Babe, wake up its time for your china fear mongering news
Babe, wake up its time for your china fear mongering news
Basically it would make being gay and any form of gay porn illegal
I’m not doing this, don’t be a troll. Go touch grass
Nothing about my statement is attacking her as a trans person. Shes still trans and was planning to come out. She came out as trans to dilute the news when she KILLED SOMEONE.
take a step back and really read what I stated.
I’m not saying she’s not trans I just think it’s convenient. Like Kevin spacey coming out as gay, right as the allegations happen
Hot take: she came out as trans to cover up the story of her hitting and killing someone with her car
Bring back calling these people weird!!
Call them sweaty for wanting to control women’s bodies. They should be called out every time they do something or support somthing dumb.
Tldr: Optional is AI slop
Sounds like someone couldn’t even program a thermostat or coffee maker
Trump got rid of DEI and planes star falling out of the sky 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Very suspicious sounds like trumps trying to crash planes its all an inside job
It’s open source. Trying to block it is futile now lmao
Instagram does the same thing with “dark jokes” and really weird ufo and conspiracy videos it really sucks
I wonder why?/s
It’s not like operation condor brought them prosperity.
America made this problem.
Any one who disagrees with a capitalist or liberal
O I’m self righteous AND indignant? Man thanks for your virtue signal pointing out MY self righteousness. That’s a SUPER useful skill I’m glad only one person like you exists on the internet. /s
Just get “big balls” to fix it