The person you’re replying to may be much further to the left than you give them credit for.
The lesser of two evils is still evil and deserves to be called such. The US is not a benevolent nation.
The person you’re replying to may be much further to the left than you give them credit for.
The lesser of two evils is still evil and deserves to be called such. The US is not a benevolent nation.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few.
I thought it was because they wanted to be in charge of what was censored and what wasn’t and was left able to be seen and shared amongst users.
Also, what Chinese Facebook? Xiaohong Shu or DaZhong DianPing are probably closest… But still way off.
Aren’t they a 49:51 split international company:Chinese version?
Agreed. Have a good one.
I agree with all your points on Communism. At least in terms of how it’s been implemented, at least in name, by the Soviet Union and the PRC it has been as extractivist and imperialist as Capitalist nations.
Though one can’t really divorce the conditions in countries such as Nigeria or Bangladesh from Capitalism. The Global North’s standard of living requires the conditions there to exist, the Socialist with Totalitarian Characteristic nations at least keep their poor conditions mostly in house (albiet with some local imperialism, and the PRC has recently started expanding outside it’s borders though mostly infrastructure and resource acquisition so far.)
They’re not quite two sides of the same coin as the goals for growth are expressly different but neither cares for social connections, a sense of belonging, society in the real, let alone the environment.
Those still to be solved problems may also be the result of governments. Those problems would likely shrink (albiet be replaced by others) when there aren’t global systems of power and exploitation pushing to keep extracting resources from a corrupted Global South, polluting as processed by an overworked Asia, into commodities to sell to underpaid and liminally employed citizens of the Global North for them to destress and feel a fleeting sense of meaning in our increasingly atomised societies.
More Anarchist, I think that we should try to disengage from states and their power structures and treat people with respect and autonomy. Try to bring thee principles into daily life and interactions and live as much of a better alternative as I can.
Devolution of powers is a fine first step to work towards if engaging electorily, but that’s a long way from the be all and end all of political ideology.
Thanks for the detailed responses.
Sounds like, to me, that you have a bigger issue with government than Socialism or Communism themselves. Are you much of an anarchist?
We can at least agree that it was a dictatorship under Stalin, right?
Does Kerala (though only a state and receives national funds) or Allendé’s Chile (Overthrown by US supported military coup after a couple of years) count, or do they not for the reasons in brackets or others?
That user is saying it in a more conspiracy sounding way, but isn’t factually wrong as long as you replace “given” with “sold”.
The publicly built and operated Internet infrastructure was cut up and sold off in 94 by Clinton to telephone companies at very friendly rates.
Governments send money to their fellow top people, by accident if not design.