Bruh, I’ve used Linux for over 10 years. I run Arch on my laptop and have a homelab powered by Proxmox, Debian, and OPNSense. I don’t run any AV in my lab but do follow other security practices.
At work it’s a different story. Products like CrowdStrike also collect logs, scan for vulnerabilities, provide graphing and dashboarding capabilities, provide integrations into ticketing platforms for investigation and remediation by security teams, and more. AV is often required because Windows users can upload infected files to Linux-run SMB shares. Products like CrowdStrike often satisfy requirements set by cybersecurity insurance.
This is not simping, this is not Linux vs Windows. You just clearly have no experience in the enterprise Linux space and business security requirements.
Ah, was a bit off. The update disregarded update controls per reddit and I must have misunderstood what exactly the channel update did. I know for the sensors you can set how closely you want to track current releases but I guess the driver update is not considered under those rules. I use CrowdStrike in my day to day but not from the administrative side, sorry for the misinformation. Thanks for the details Gestrid.
CrowdStrike does more than anti-virus and yes enterprise Linux installations need a lot of security controls that average Linux users don’t need.
Something similar did happen on Linux clients with CrowdStrike installed not too long ago lol
It’s because this got pushed as a virus definition update and not a client update bypassing even customer staging rules that should prevent issues like this. Makes it a little more understandable because you’d want to be protected against current threats. But, yeah should still hit testing first if possible.
Nah, CS sent out a virus definition update that included a driver file that was fucked and caused a boot loop. Because it was a virus definition it bypassed staging rules set by customers. It’s 100% on CS unless we want to talk about how Windows architectural choices on how it handles loading improperly formatted kernel level drivers. CS also caused issues on Linux not too long ago.
Yes, Si… System Administrator.
Invoke-Command -Sick-Burn $user
Write-Output "Nice"
The framework 13 is around a grand pre built and around 900 if you have a spare SSD and SODIMM modules laying around.
I feel like an i3 or Celeron is not really a fair comparison. The framework machines are quite powerful and they’re targeting the prosumer/workstation market.
In the case of sustainability you do not have to trash the parts on upgrade. Framework sells cases to repurpose the main board as a PC/server. You could also buy a shell and create a second laptop. When it comes to throwing out parts on repair or upgrade you are throwing out less overall.
It’s also a fairly new company so between that and the market they’re targeting the products are fairly expensive. Further down the line they could become much more affordable as the company scales. But yeah it does not sound like Framework laptops are a good fit for you right now.
Sorry but what you’re referring to as Windows is actually GNU/NT Kernel…
Use KDE, especially Plasma 6. Hasn’t been an issue for me FW13 12Gen Intel since the last few Plasma 5 releases. I tried GNOME for a while but it can go pound sand.
As a nevernude I prefer no holes bared