Your eyes as well
Your eyes as well
I’ve never seen a ween used as a broom handle before
Amazon is pretty easy, just go to the renewal page and say don’t auto renew and hit confirm
I have one that has hdmi and usb as well so I can use my phone in desktop mode on a monitor, then I use parsec to get in my VM and I have access to a full desktop experience
Call it what you want as long as orgies are involved
Since when do they ask for age? I remember you didn’t even need a verified email
You can’t miss your computer if you die guns blazing or drive off a cliff
One of the grocery stores near me is picky like this, I guess it has a camera so it guesses what you put on there and if you pick something else by searching for it then it gets upset
Are there really shoes that cost that much? And people buy them?
Part salad part chicken strip in an uncooked flour tortilla
And when it gets mad it turns off our cell reception
Just mine your own phosphor at home
Because they will eat you?
Stepped on a nail