I’m sorry, I’m too busy dealing with my rights being trampled and taken away by these monsters along with other life stressors to care about your moral grandstanding.
Yes. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who supports them for “economic anxiety” or whatever BS rationalization they use to blind themselves, and fuck anyone who is still giving fascists the benifit of the doubt.
There is no middle ground, no high road, when these people literally want to kill me and my friends. I am exhausted by the last week along and have long been sick of people treating fascists with kid gloves.
The idea that people think I’m as bad as they are for standing up for myself while they inflict violence on me. Every step of calling fascists fascists and it’s called “hyperbole” or “hysterical”. Because acknowledgement of what they say they will do, have been doing, and are doing means their lives might be disrupted, that they would need to do something.
They do. We all do. But most people aren’t. So, I’m focused on protecting me and mine. If you wanted a world where all we do is finger wag at fascist then something should have been done to stop what is happening right now…
But now, I have no sympathy anymore and grow tired of liberals, and honestly not a small number of the left, saying we should be above that. That ship sailed a long time ago.
If you are privileged enough to still feel like you are above that, then fucking do something so those of us who are the current targets don’t have to defend ourselves alone.
It wouldn’t be productive, but I’ve been thinking of texting some things at my mom. She hasn’t been hostler to me since I came out, but also not accepting with misgendering and dead naming.
I know she voted for him before, and I’m pretty sure she did this time. With the way things are going I will probably never see her again. I want her to know why.