I am ok if Europe wants to send troops to Canada to defend against the real enemy—the United States.
I am ok if Europe wants to send troops to Canada to defend against the real enemy—the United States.
Not totally. Fascism did take over 20% of the vote in last month’s election.
Pretty sure that last time they had already taken a couple other countries before heading to Russia. Stopping at Russia was already too late.
Recognition but not love. They will have no money.
Ah. Gotcha. Agreed.
Ladybird says 2026. Given the current state and progress, I believe it may be quite usable by then. I use it sometimes for basic surfing and leaving forum comments. It works surprisingly well often though it is still far from general use. I think the dev team tries to use it themselves for things like Discord and GutHub. They did a demo last month where it “almost” ran Gmail.
I am not sure that Servo has set a timeline. I expect it to take longer.
I prefer permissive licenses but how do they reduce legal risks?
Servo is developed by Igalia at this point. Mozilla is not involved.
Quite happy to see Servo coming along again. I am still excited for Ladybird and it seems more likely to deliver a truly viable browser sooner.
I am not a Swift dev but I think it has decent memory safety as well. I think it is one of the reasons Ladybird is moving to it. They evaluated Rust and decided it lacked the OOP features they needed.
The C++ that Ladybird writes is also very good. They have their own standard library (written for SerenityOS) which is very modern including memory safety and security. Still C++ though of course.
I do. It is incorrect.
I use Chimera Linux. None of what you said applies.
GNU is not even a requirement.
Look at Void Linux. Look at Alpine Linux. Look at Chimera Linux.
MUSL instead of Glibc. Clang instead of GCC. Alternative userlands. More and more Linux distros arrive with these traits everyday (many more than I listed).
For anybody having trouble following…
Nobody knows if God exists. It is not a proven fact.
Some people believe that they know. Some of them really, really believe it.
If you believe something that did not arrive at through hard fact, that is faith. Strong faith is religion.
So what is being said here is that many atheists are in fact quite religious—they just do not believe in God.
A good test is to explain the difference between agnostic and atheist. Anybody that insists on calling themself an atheist after that has is acting on faith ( not fact ) and has religion.
The US does not use what you call a CV. A resume is something else. For one thing, there is typically no “profile”.
A resume may not even show a complete work history. It is one ( maybe two ) pages and heavily tailored to what makes sense for the particular job. That is what this post is about.
Except the businesses run by people
Property tax has nothing to do with unrealized gains. It is an attempt to charge a services tax in an equitable way. It is like putting road taxes in gasoline. Framing it as a crude consumption tax would be more appropriate.
The property tax you pay on your home is a tiny fraction of its value. If we were charging those kinds of tiny percentages to billionaires you would be up in arms.
I do not have to argue abolishing property taxes because they do not introduce the kinds of brain dead distortions that “unrealized gains” taxes would. Even still, there are actually carve outs for them in most countries. Where I live, as an example, seniors can defer property tax until the property is sold ( you know, until the wealth has been realized ). As I said above though, it is really a service tax and so, even when delayed, the amount is based on assessed value every year.
If property tax was a model for your unrealized gains tax it would have these features:
Based on the discussion here, a tax like that is not going to satisfy the mob.
Like I said, tax the rich. Tax the hell out of them. Just don’t do it in such a broken way.
Stop acting like I am defending rich people or arguing against taxes. I have been very clear that I am not. It seems equally clear that you have no rational response to what I am saying which is why you keep pretending that I am arguing for wealth inequality instead of just math. The people hit hardest by bad tax policy are always the middle class. The same would be true of a wrong-headed unrealized gains tax, no matter how much shouting about billionaires was used to make it more popular.
Sure. One of those cons is that you have more packaging problems when you interact with non-Manjaro repos—like the AUR.
Nope. Both pamac and octopi work fine with EndeavourOS. In fact, they work better because the packages are not delayed like they are in Manjaro.
Fair enough. Of course, you know that the exact same graphical installer is also available on EOS right? It is not installed by default but it is in the repos.
I am going back to /.