Yeah I keep trying to move to the woods but my wife wants to be around people for some reason lol
Yeah I keep trying to move to the woods but my wife wants to be around people for some reason lol
My tolerance of noise and light pollution has gone way the hell down as I have gotten older. I want to live in the woods at this point.
I bought a bigass camp chef griddle for our back yard based on waffle house and japanese hibachi and it is completely worth it.
The problem is that they have really ramped up enshitifying the public school system in the last few years. It was never great but either its gotten a lot worse or I have become much more aware of it in the last few years.
The power grid stuff is probably the easiest to fix with a solar setup but I don’t know that I want to spend that money in a state I don’t want to stay in longer term.
I can tell you the other thing people do as they grow up and that is develop their own views. Growing up in Texas, I didn’t realize anything was wrong or out of the ordinary politically/ideologivally. My parents had their views which initially became my views since that was what was normal in my family and community
Getting older and more mature, I realized I didn’t agree with my state or parents but I also didn’t have the option to pack up and leave. By the time I was able to sustain myself and build a life, I had already gotten a job, a relationship, and wanted to start building my own family. Doing that meant staying where I was since my in-laws were in the same city and my spouse didn’t want to be away from them.
Even if on paper to some people it is as easy as just sell your house and leave there are complicating factors. I don’t want my kids to have to deal with hurricanes, power grid failures, intolerance of others, and everything else Texas has to “offer” but at the same time, its not so easy to just bail and start again.
If it was setup properly, you just us an if statement like, “if communication lost to control for t>5 seconds, release balast” or something like that. I had 0 issue with the controller being an ots consumer good. The rest was an idiotic design, I won’t even say it was engineered.
A lot of them are adding that stuff. I looked earlier today actually.
Basically the only option I have found for a non-connected/smart/spyware tv in the last few months are commercial displays. They must price in the ad revenue to the consumer stuff because the price of those commercial displays is ~4x.
Does the tv tuner and tv guide work? I tried a few alternatives a few years back and they were garbo. Wmc always just worked.
Windows media center alone is worth resurrecting win7 for.
I am really hoping someone makes a repopped shell for the analogue 3d and the 8bitdo controllers. I would absolutely splash for an og dk green set.