Good thing musky got that big compensation package shoved through, eh?
Good thing musky got that big compensation package shoved through, eh?
Who are the assholes on the left? There is a little part of me that hopes they aren’t a group in america, because in america they would have been shot, but after the events of the last few years days I’ve lost hope.
Aye, and that plays into the part I forgot to mention: the optics. Imagine a typical confrontation between two people, a various amount of other folks nearby. Maybe it’s at a bar, maybe it’s at a park, maybe it’s in the street with large riots going on around you. Who do you view as the aggressor immediately, on the one hand, a fellow, hands balled, in a pugilistic stance or wildly swinging, or the other one who has his hands up in front of him, palms facing outwards? Little things like that matter if it ever goes to court, and are super important if the police show up initially.
I mean, punching is good and all, but for most people I recommend a good strike with the heel of your hand. Like so. The reason? Not many people train enough (like, come one, who actually trains to punch regularly?) to prevent the wrist rolling during the strike of a punch, and it both weakens the strike and can injure your wrist. It’s also a naturally tough area (there are only two places on the body with ‘thick’ skin: the palms and the soles) and the impact is transferred onto larger bones covered in that thick skin, rather than onto the knuckles (i.e., vulnerable joints) covered by thin skin that just loves to split open.
Go try it now against a door frame. See how hard you can hit with each.
Average healthy adult breathes 12-20 times a minute (those are the numbers we carry around with us in healthcare). So at the upper end, 20b/minx60min/hrx24hr/day gives you $1,440.00 a day. If we count even the impact of your foot while running as steps (does a specific word for that exist? I don’t know. In my head a step comes from walking…), a good pace is 3 steps / second. Go for a good 30 minute run, and you get 3st/sec * 60sec/min * 30min for a whopping total of 5400 steps, or $1,350.00. Move around your house while cooking, cleaning, getting the kids/pets/lover where they need to be, and you might end up a bit better off than the breathing. My average steps just around the house add up to 5k-6k, I believe.
The IRS can lick my balls if I’m being paid in cash under the table though.
There are people paying obscene amounts of money for certain… subjects to be portrayed. I guarantee you the majority are not doing it for shock value. Some of the pictures there are… problematic.
If my experience on the internet tells me anything, it’s that people are fucked in the head when it comes to sex.
Remember boys and girls, ear sex isn’t real sex!
PTO? Is that the spinny thing on the back of the tractor I would attach the mower/seed spreader to? If so, thinking back we never had much concern with it. Now I’m rethinking the wisdom of the adults in letting us preteens use it.
Oh my god, I just realized that my taki addiction was the gateway to the masochist lifestyle.
Ugh, I feel unrepresented. I sort of remember where I was, read a bit to see if I recognize it, and then skip a little forward or backwards depending. I have definitely skipped entire chapters before because the style/sentences sounded like what I remember.
Strange, from memory it was the exact opposite. The brand names actually had decent flavor/texture, while the off-brands had humongous amounts of sugar, to the point where you actually taste the sugar rather than it just sweetening the overall flavor.
I’d bet there’s a ‘sweet spot’ for age where the average person watching a movie can mentally overlook the adult in a teen role, while children and elderly can’t be portrayed by a different age without it being a deliberate effect choice or farcical (though when I was learning makeup effects, I saw a ~25 year old turned convincingly into a 60+ person). Maybe it has to do with ease of an adult actor compared to a teen, or maybe it’s because there are just more of the ‘young’ adult actors in the pool than readily accessible teenage actors. Maybe the hiring team wants to ensure they have someone who can act without being taught during the production, and the slightly older actors have more proven track records?
I always like that comic, but wish he had done a bit on one of the ways we used to (maybe someone still does it somewhere? Idk) impregnate cells with DNA. Take a modified .22 bullet, load it with the DNA, and blast it at cells.
average male weight is 18-44 lbs… female 15-40.
Suuure, and next thing ya know, those rocs will snatch you up by accident if you’re riding an elephant.
And I seem to recall a few times where one of the various flash-like characters ate a huge amount of food without thinking about it. Wally ate a 3-5 gallon tub of ice cream that had been meant for someone’s birthday, if I recall.
Brb, gotta cheerfully say “you’re so bad!” to the ole partner and give it a whole new meaning when being flirtatious.
Best scene of the whole movie.
I remember a horse that would play with one of those big inflatable exercise balls. Still wouldn’t fetch though.
It’s all about who you can say it to. As much as elmo is probably trying to change it, right now the dystopian future of shadowrun hasn’t appeared, and the various governments are still the big dogs in the pound. See brazil for a recent example. Even apple, famously trying to thwart regulations, has eventually caved to the EU on the charger issue, as another example.