Not in this specific age group. Overall men are overrepresented, not by 90% but they are, but less so in younger people
Not in this specific age group. Overall men are overrepresented, not by 90% but they are, but less so in younger people
While I guess that’s true and it’s often surprising that the AfD is polling that well in the younger cohorts let’s not overstate their success. There are also a lot of people in that cohort very vehemently disagreeing with the AfD.
That is such a bullshit point. “The youth” doesn’t want one homogeneous thing. The youth is just as diverse in opinions as other cohorts, maybe even more so. It is also more likely to be on more radikal Sides of the political spectrum.
Make sure it isn’t just the Pomeranians. Some Pomeranians are definitely going to be in the mix.
Servo exists
The point being that tweets like the one in question are designed to do the opposite. They are designed to pull attention towards the knives and never to look at the leech.
I agree they are different things, I just wanted to object to this being an abstract problem. It’s a very practical one with very practical solutions. They do take time to implement though because it takes organised action.
Also, separate comment because it’s a separate thing. The analogy is actually perfect. We should be worrying about both things, the knife and the leech. The knife needs more immediate attention because the leech is actually pretty good at keeping it’s wound clean and not kill the host immediately.
The problem I have with the sentiment of the tweet of the bank is the very likely intended focus on just the one side of this issue. Part of why this is a long-winded social issue is because many people don’t take the time to analyse the situation more broadly. Because they have to deal with all the knives in their arms, and get reminded of yet more knives, that the leech can’t ever become the focus of the attention.
The leech is the company you are working for. Companies are getting away with paying you so little because you are removing every little expense that is still left in your life. Fighting for better pay is very much practical.
The thing is that the people you tell to stop buying their coffee to-go aren’t just bleeding. They are also being sucked dry.
The knife alone isn’t the best metaphor, but with an additional leech it’s closer to reality. And the doctor isn’t removing the leech he’s just removing the knife so you can still produce blood for the leech to suck out of you.
Also the doctor is paid by the leech to tell you how you can produce more blood but you shouldn’t expect to actually have more of it in your system. You see how hard the leech is working on extracting that stuff from you right? That’s basically a 24/7 job.
On average it gets hotter by 2.5 degrees or less now.
Yes on average over a multiple decade period. This says nothing about how weather is going to change and it’s likely to change a lot. Extreme weathers are going to be way more likely anywhere you are.
I mean even if you aren’t old now you’ll be old eventually. And then the heat’s gon’ get you
Well ackshually, any such system with a defined maximum precision can be represented by an integer unit that is small enough, the numbers will just get very big.
Well ackshually real-time describes a mode of processing data where you have hard requirements on when a computation needs to be finished.
Yes I agree and I think I expressed that in the first half of my comment.
That’s one part of the lesson here yes. I definitely needed a minute to figure out why this whole thing caused a negative emotion in me. And going through this process will hopefully help me do it quicker the next time over. But on the other hand a bit of empathy for humans behaving like humans wouldn’t hurt either. It’s no wonder men react to the topic like they do, identifying with the person in a scenario sharing your gender is simply how human brains work. It’s why representation of diversity is important, but the same effect obviously also works on men.
I think this is an important point on the interpretation of the question. For women it seems like “Be in the wild with the worst possible man or the worst possible bear” and then the bear seems to “win”. If you ask a guy he naturally kind of identifies with the man and the question becomes more a “be in the wild with you or with a bear”. And then choosing the bear seems like a judgement about them.
The Maulbronn monchs once decided that anything living in their pond was fish. Ducks, geese and apparently once a cow drowned and was thus declared a fish.
You think a company run by Elon has an extensive software safety review system?
Apply the ones in a star shape to distribute pressure evenly