And nothing of value was lost
And nothing of value was lost
Consider what you just said about bears.
Now consider that any woman you tell that to is still likely to pick the bear than the strange man who spouts statistics about bear attacks in order to be picked to spend time alone with her in the woods.
This discussion isn’t about statistics. The fact that a woman can tell you directly what she wants, and you can tell her she’s wrong because of xyz, is why it will always and forever be the bear.
The men who are insulted are making the statement about them. They are too small-minded to consider that the analogy is about how women feel in our world today, not about picking on men. You watch movies and smugly pick out plot holes, while the symbolism and meaning fly miles over your head. We don’t need to know bear attack statistics to wonder why women are choosing the bear.
If you feel attacked by the bear talk, you either lack empathy, or are the strange man in the woods. Either way I don’t need you repping my gender thanks.
Strangely, yes.