This is cheating a bit. Taken with an S21 through an 8" Dobsonian telescope!
This is cheating a bit. Taken with an S21 through an 8" Dobsonian telescope!
Too much realism?
To be fair it’s obviously meant that they’re talking about singlemode and not multimode.
I think your right about waning support for desktop for general use, as in the “home” computer but saying gamers will switch to Nintendo or Steam Deck, not a chance in my opinion…the whole reason people game on PC is a varied story, for me personally I wanted to experience the best graphics at the time, what made me stick around is the realization that I can play any game I want from any console in history with any controller I want, I dont have to pay for internet, I don’t have to worry about backwards compatiilty and I’m free to shop around for amazing deals on games.
Your right about the average family home not buying in but your wrong about “gamers” or more accurately any tech person just switching or dropping windows