I live near a primary school and there are multiple “YES ALL MEN” slogans written on the walls right next door. I wonder what those boys will think about their place in the world when this is what the walls are yelling at them.
I live near a primary school and there are multiple “YES ALL MEN” slogans written on the walls right next door. I wonder what those boys will think about their place in the world when this is what the walls are yelling at them.
The only thing you can be absolutely sure of as a liberal white male is that no one likes you or wants to hear from you.
All cars are death machines
Hey Flamekebab, why aren’t you meeting your commitment to practice swahili for 40 minutes a day :(
My wife is incapable of not showing me an escalating series of inane youtube videos unless I get rather firm about it.
IE regulatory capture and soothing bullshit?
Indeed, and this estate makes its will known through representatives called “Estate Agents”
We are still undergoing the French Revolution.
France had 3 estates, The Nobles, The Clergy, and the Everyone Else. Another two got added by political theory people over time. Number 4 is the journalists. Number 5 is the alt journalists.
Moé chais pas comment jassé en jouale
1000111100100111, 111100011 1100 11001110001! :)
Le Subjonc…go fuck yourself
This may be the most Canadian meme ever made, even if unintentionally.
Dude, I’m not your mom for you to complain to about the state of things. What I said is 100% true, and whinging won’t make it less true. This is how these huge companies stay in control of our lives, and now this is how they are going to install fascism. Do with that info what you will.
None of those are essential serveices. There is no alternative, those are just not essential things. In order to get those non essential things we will all stay signed into for the neo nazi revenue and messaging machine.
If Bruce Wayne was real I would hope that he got shot in the face while beating up the poors and his wealth confiscated in a 100% estate tax.