Do you think these assaults are happening in crowded bathrooms? Or that other women will ignore an assault simply because the bathroom is unisex?
Do you think these assaults are happening in crowded bathrooms? Or that other women will ignore an assault simply because the bathroom is unisex?
Profess: 1) To affirm openly; declare or claim. 2) To make a pretense of; pretend.
If one makes a pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, or values that one does not hold, one is a hypocrite.
Whether anyone else understands the pretenses of the hypocrite or not does not change the definitions of the words.
Hypocrisy: The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess
Having no values or beliefs and being self-consistent with ulterior personal values does not change the definition of the word.
If one professes beliefs, feelings, or values that one does not possess, one is a hypocrite.
Headline from fox news: “Oliver North: Israel will have to put people on the ground and it will be bloody”
Reality is truly stranger than fiction. If any writer continued to use a character like him for so long in such obvious ways without suffering any consequences, readers’ suspension of disbelief would be shattered.
He was there for Iran-Contra. He is still here for Israel-Hamas. The exact same playbook. Place political gain over national interest. Put lives needlessly in danger and extend suffering for an easy win.
Hypocrisy: The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
Holding a position when politically convenient and reversing your stance on that position due to political convenience is hypocrisy. It may be typical and expected, but it’s still hypocrisy.
Moral excuses aside, it’s money. Huge gaps means less material, one-size-fits-all installation, and arbitrary tolerances in production. Same reason the latches constantly break or get stuck - the whole setup is mass-produced as cheaply as possible.
But it’s not a good way to save money. On top of the obvious safety and privacy benefits, bathroom quality can completely change a person’ opinion of an establishment and is worth investing in.