Checking in for later
Kinda cruel if you ask me
What if they’re right and I’m crazy?
If I ever have that thought, I remember I’m not the one who hates people for immutable traits, or punches down in the name of humour
Nice one bruva
Heat death would be my assumption, so between about 10^100 and 10^106 years
Yes there is
Power bi
Uhh does this mean what I think it means
You are good people
Those stairs don’t even seem to work
Ahh the title spoiled the punchline
I believe they use slave labour though
Off topic but nice to see a leeds fan in the wild on a lemmy post
When you look at the moon, your field of vision is the sky and its surroundings.
When you look at a picture of the moon, your field of vision is the picture of the sky and its surroundings, and the surroundings of the picture.
Basically you’d have to have your face close enough to the picture where you’d see ONLY the picture, for the moon to look as impressive as IRL (and I daresay it’d be out of focus).
So who else opened up Maps to double check this
I sunglasses You sunglasses He/she/one sunglasses
I’m sure this was used in a beer advert in the UK in the 90s or early 00s