I understand the controversy, because if there’s one thing the internet loves more than free speech, it’s cats.
If free speech has a limit, it’s at the point where it starts to hurt cats.
America’s support for genocide isn’t an accident. It isn’t an anolomy. It’s what America always does. It’s what the system was built on.
Look at the size of America’s military. Look at the size of America’s wealth. Look at who benefits.
If you defend capitalism, you defend that.
I understand the controversy, because if there’s one thing the internet loves more than free speech, it’s cats.
If free speech has a limit, it’s at the point where it starts to hurt cats.
Coq au vin
I’m not the person you responded to, but I am here for discussion of puppies.
There was a writer’s strike in the middle of the final season which seems to have sent the show off the rails.
Trams and trains have drivers.
I wonder how William voted. Wouldn’t it be fun if he were secretly a republican?
Maybe she voted in the Australian referendum.
Why would China engage in military conflict with the USA when they can just sit back and watch the USA collapse on its own?
So what you’re saying is: Lynne Cheney has been wrong for 23 years so far.
I knew a vegan who was a nice guy. He wasn’t obnoxious about his veganism. He was, however, obnoxious about his Christianity.
And to be honest, he looked a bit malnourished.