TikTok/bytedance are controlled by a rival country. US based companies can, of course, help our rivals too but there’s some degree of separation that makes it a bit harder to address/discover.
TikTok/bytedance are controlled by a rival country. US based companies can, of course, help our rivals too but there’s some degree of separation that makes it a bit harder to address/discover.
Interesting, so it seems because ATT doesn’t have fiber already setup in NY that they’re pulling out. If more states did this, they probably wouldn’t be able to handle pulling out, financially.
I’m a leading scientist on speed, and this is the answer.
Which btw that program isn’t doing too well. It’s a huge cost right now, compared to more traditional public transit. And imagine that this is with regular “cheap” vans rather than more expensive vehicles. These also seem to be a small step better than Personal vehicles as I hear most rides are solo rides (which is not exactly the aim). What is great about micro is they support bikes, and people with disabilities to help reach the last mile in their trip.
Most of those can addressed by busses too actually.
Train has fewer stops meaning train reaches the destination faster
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or any bus line can have less stop for this reason. To expand on BRT routes, they can be dedicated lanes for busses, with right of way. They can be specific only for busses, and cars not allowed to use it ever or also mixed usage where certain rush hours are for bus use only but outside those hours can be used by other vehicles.
Train has ultimate right-of-way, and doesn’t have to stop for pedestrians on the tracks, red lights, or other things
This can also be done with BRT routes.
trains in some cities, go under waterways meaning more direct routes than busses
BRT as well.
there’s more space inside trains and usually more choice of seats. Standing is also an option which isn’t allowed on most busses
Busses can absolutely support this. Paris has more open busses to allow more people standing or people with disabilities.
acceleration and deceleration are more predictable and comfortable
With dedicated BRT lanes, I believe that can also be done considering there’s only bus stops that need to be slowed down on.
Nearly all metro light rail trains are powered by electricity, while many city busses remain diesel
I know technically electric busses are possible, but I’m not certain how feasible this is.
My understanding is that BRT routes are cheaper and faster to setup than trains, and can be upgraded to trains. I’m not saying BRT is better than light or heavy rail, but that should be a more common path for mass transit that is not utilized in the US.
You’re missing price. Compare your trip to Public transit costs, and include infrastructure costs. You had to pay for your vehicle, your car insurance (which in the US there are irresponsibly low legal minimums), registration, gas, and also taxes for the infrastructure, to get yourself somewhere which takes up more room than needed (usually several times more room than a combination lf walking and public transit). Public transit only requires fare pricing, along with infrastructure, which is significantly cheaper per person due to more efficient use of space.
Compare many European metro cities to the US, and you’ll notice their public transit is more convenient (in the characteristics you have pointed out) because we decided to shut ourselves in the foot as a country and forced everyone to have to get a car payment, while making public transit bad.
Of course, public transit isn’t convenient for every area, such as rural towns in which personal vehicles are a better solution, but we have many cities where there should be significantly better public transit.
Personal transportation is extremely inefficient. You need to pay a bunch of money for something, in order to get around, and it is always space inefficient, bad for the environment and encouraged parking lot creation over housing.
Well, my understanding is it’s also university, regardless, it seems like a plan of build it and people will come. a bit problematic when a competitor can offer similar pay with less abuse.
I imagine, from what’s indicated on the market, that they don’t which is why TSMC is investing in schools of the area to get students trained to work with them.
The reason Chinese EVs are so cheap is because China subsidizes them immensely. They’re basically selling below cost, and expecting private US companies to compete with that impossible price. As long as we allow competitors from other countries in, as well as pushing for electric vehicle usage, the prices will drop. Man companies won’t be able to sell gas cars after 2035 in many large states and countries. People would rather buy an older used gas car than a very expensive electric I bet.
So we agree the man with 10 v8 engine cars should move to EVs or public transit rather than having 10 cars? Because he’s saying fuck that.
The one about how the non-window/wall ones suck?
How did he teach you to make a quick 100 bucks?
Been waiting for his next video. Whoa just found out this guy does videos about stuff other than dishwashers. that’s pretty cool, hope this dishwasher guy makes it big.
I feel you’re kinda talking past ChapulinColorado’s comment. He’s indicating that for many people they would should have a simple tax filing process where they don’t receive money outside of what’s reported to the IRS already. Many workers only have a W2 and use the standard deduction. They shouldn’t have to pay a 3rd party to get their taxes done, and it shouldn’t take them almost any time to file a return.
yes you’re also right that people would still need to confirm what their income is (especially if its not reported to the IRS), but that doesn’t apply to a large section of the US Population.
Homer was late 80s, early 90s fat. Now he’s early nuaghts fat lol.
Don’t think you should listen to the other guy at face value. The market for your skills is very bad right now. Ensure you don’t lose your job, but definitely feel comfortable looking around for something better. When the market feels better and you’re getting reached out to a lot, then be more assertive at work.
Haha. Stable genius.
Wait so you were logged into sensitive accounts? If you weren’t, then your accounts wouldn’t have been as compromised?
Yeah I’m honestly suprrised. Is Lol really good at keeping toxicity down? I play Dota and used to play league, I would still agree that Dota may be toxic than league, but I wouldn’t say its a huge difference. Lot more Smurfs in Dota if feels though.