doctortran? The doctortran? The real doctor? The dashing special agent with a PHD in kicking your ass? (
doctortran? The doctortran? The real doctor? The dashing special agent with a PHD in kicking your ass? (
One time I commented that my favorite game was WoW, down voted -15 for no apparent reason.
I wouldn’t use that as evidence that you were bot-attacked. A lot of people don’t like WoW and are mad at it for disappointing them. *coughSHADOWLANDScough*
People buying stuff also makes for a healthy secondary market. 90% of my brewing gear is 2nd hand.
I have one podcast I listen to like this because I know them personally, and it’s like hanging out with them. I need to have a hook to listen.
I like Making It with Jimmy DiResta, David Piccutto, and Bob Clegatt (I like to make stuff on YT) because they’re makers and youtubers. They do talk about random crap sometimes, but they also talk about making stuff and youtube and being middle aged with all those things in the mix.
Every time I see these kinds of d-bags, I hear Bum Bag’s “another white boy with a podcast” in my head.
Short version:
Full song:
It’s very cool
Wait, are they cool or hot? I’m so confused.
Brother? Are you sure about that?
Because Reddit admins deserved that harm. We’ve handed them all this free data and resource and they decided it was theirs.