you did not even write anything to support beeing vegan in the commetns. Thats kinda more sad than what I did ngl. But we both know who the enemy is. Those dead body eaters.
you did not even write anything to support beeing vegan in the commetns. Thats kinda more sad than what I did ngl. But we both know who the enemy is. Those dead body eaters.
Bro, I am not vegan because it is disgusting. Which is why, I wrote if this helps… because for many people it does not matter how the animals are treated. There are an infinity of good amounts for going vegan.
who the fuck are the hardy boys, why is it in memes and why is it so popular???
Stop eating eggs. It’s literally animal period if that helps you
yep. I just knew that germany is over 1.5 for a year or so. but yeah
very soon. It will hit hard. 1.5 degrees is when the tipping points start to tip.
To be honest. I did climate activism the last two years until I had a burnout. I do not believe that we can stop it anymore and I think we should start prepping in a sense of building strong communities and practacing solidartiy. While we should still try to stop it we should also try to live in solidarity in this crisis
I thought exactly the same thing as you. I feel like I am standing exaclty where you are, everything is possible