That dirty sanchez
That dirty sanchez
Yes but that haven’t received the intelligence power yet so they don’t know that
All this needs to be a shit post is an AI watermark
Another reason why companies like Amazon treats it’s workforce like garbage. They are seen as replaceable in the near future.
This mini-doco on drone warfare in Ukraine is bone chilling:
Violence towards Billionaires will only justify further well funded and aggressive responses.
Your third point reminded me of a kid recently who committed suicide and his only friend was an AI bot.
“Nah” - B
Will keep happening as long as contracts are awarded based on flashy proposals.
There are billions of people on earth who don’t have access to a computer.
With Google providing 80% of Mozilla’s finding, I think we can all see whats going to happen next.
Is Subway not a sandwich then if the bread isn’t split into two pieces?
A wise man will think twice before speaking and then say nothing.
How far back the government traces your citizenship will be dependent on how cooperative you are.