🇪🇸 🇨🇦
This Wikipedia article sums it up fairly well. Look under controversies
They also partnered with Brave, which is another scummy company
I say 4.9 / 7. Fight Club deserves its own place at the top
At least VLC had a neat table there
They also pay Brave for their results
He once bricked his OS during a “run Linux for a week” challenge. He tried to do apt install steam
or something and ignored a bunch of warnings. Of course he then bashed Linux because he didn’t pay attention
When a Tesla gets stolen, do they call it an Edison?
About 200 million trillion times the entire global GDP
Known for: ReiserFS, murder
So I went to their website and this is hilarious
Thunder app renders everything as a empty box, which actually makes it harder to read than normal zalgo
More or less everyone is allowed to return to their homes as of this year. Even the radiation in the direct vicinity of the plant is nearly nearly down to pre-accident levels
Fast sharp right!
No, you’re supposed to type delete like its a vim command
LTT always seemed “slimy” to me, especially after the whole mistreatment allegations ordeal
I wanted to like Kagi, but their Brave fiasco turned me off of them for good
Yep, every country is different. In Spain its more normal to use tú for everyone unless there’s some explicit formality
Usted would also create a boundary that does not imply intimate relations
I know it’s not the point of the article but man that ai generated image looks bad. Like who approved that?