If you don’t want to have an abortion, no one’s ever been forcing you.
Why you think it’s appropriate to force others is weird.
If you don’t want to have an abortion, no one’s ever been forcing you.
Why you think it’s appropriate to force others is weird.
Iirc, it was also a newfangled, more effective/humane method, and a symbol of progress.
A fetus does indeed have 100% human DNA, but a tape worm has about 70% human DNA.
An 8 week fetus is about 20 g, an 8 week tape worm can become up to 30 ft, weighing several pounds. 70 % of a pound is more than 20 g.
And with the new slave mother laws, the fetus isn’t more than a handful of grams at the cut off date, making it all the more poignant.