That doesn’t mean anything. If you have tons of free RAM, programs tend to use more than strictly necessary because it speeds things up. That doesn’t mean they won’t run perfectly fine with 8GiB as well.
That doesn’t mean anything. If you have tons of free RAM, programs tend to use more than strictly necessary because it speeds things up. That doesn’t mean they won’t run perfectly fine with 8GiB as well.
cataas - not to be confused with catass
Wait till you find out what Russia and China are doing on Facebook
It really depends on what you want. My experience with Gnome extensions has been rather frustrating. For example, finding a working and maintained extension for app indicators is a pain - and you have to do it again for each new release when inevitably the extension is no longer updated.
…what? SpaceX is years behind schedule for delivering crewed space flight to NASA. US tax payers have had to cough up billions of dollars for seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to at least be able to get to space somehow in the meantime.
Iterating and failing is okay, but SpaceX has neither been faster nor cheaper in doing so than NASA’s original moon landing program.
They missed April fools by about a month
I’m skeptical given how confident many recent AI models are at making wrong claims. Fact checking seems to be a rather poor use case for current AI models IMO.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see a problem with subscriptions for commercial software. Fixing bugs and security issues after release is an ongoing effort that costs money, so a one-time purchase isn’t really economically viable in the long run. I honestly wouldn’t feel comfortable using unmaintained software that might contain known but unfixed vulnerabilities.
That doesn’t work in all cases. I’ve recently come across two examples where we had a hard time explaining our costs even though we extensively tag and even have fine-grained AWS accounts: