Well to be fair Google results these days be kinda crazy sometimes
Well to be fair Google results these days be kinda crazy sometimes
It would be so cold 🥶
I have scars / bumps on my legs that I am self conscious about. I wanted to wear a dress to a party in mid summer. Two months of extreme effort to moisturize and not scratch and I thought they looked pretty darn good … For me at least. My niece asked why I had polka dots on my legs within two minutes of greeting me. Kids just be spittin’ truth. So I cover my legs.
Sounds like the start to a yummy gravy lol
I fucking love Ever After. It’s my sick time movie
I’m fairly sure my husband does this for me, just as I do for him. We know how far to let one another struggle before fun becomes frustration. I love playing single player games as a couple.
I wish all people would stop having kids. I am all for the voluntary human extinction movement. A very key word is voluntary though, which really just makes it an ideology.