First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized Makes It True
First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized Makes It True
I just want back
Won’t someone please think of the shareholders?!!
I thought it was because YouTube had become unwatchable
Careful with this though. They keep cancellation threats in a database so they can check if you’re serious
Won’t someone please think of the shareholders!!!
Thank goodness you didn’t mention any names
Man, sure would be nice to have an organization to punish this cheating huh?
Arch Linux’s time to shine
There was a former employee that talked about it, they moved from actually testing on real hardware to automated VM testing and started missing a lot more
proper open protocols
Yeah that will never, ever happen, especially if the app is successful. We would have to legally force them
Case in point
10% of people are insane so they even got significant chunks of the crazy vote for GM and Intuit
So say we all
Just talk to the iFixit people, they probably already have extensive notes
Anish Kapoor strikes again
Slow Spinny Disk (SSD)
Wake up babe, new Iraqi tourist spot just dropped