Something something rm -fr / to remove the french language pack
rm -rf
removes only the République française language packother ““french”” species are inferior and don’t deserve mention
honestly I’ve had the best luck when I use the French Riviera version to delete my hard drive:
rm -Riv /
the people who troll or make fun of linux beginners are the same people who wonder every year why desktop linux isn’t more mainstream
Jokes on you I trolled myself by being stupid and not asking for help when installing on the crap old pc I have and fucked myself over by bricking it
Yeah you cant really brick a PC with software. You can lose whatever data ison the hard drive. but even that is likely recoverable
I did somehow manage to ruin an SSD when trying to set up dual booting. I couldn’t actually read the data off of it after whatever nonsense I did. After reformatting it a few times to no avail, I gave up on it.
I probably should have tried reinstallling the firmware on the SSD, but I had it at that point. Even so, the PC still worked. After convincing the computer to boot off of the original drive, I had no issues.
Short of a hardware fault, you cannot destroy an SSD no matter what you throw at it. Try resetting the partition table using gparted and you can use it for whatever again. The windows partition manager tends to not be reliable when dealing with removing wonky linux partitions.
shoutout to who (i believe?) created this fork bomb :)
there is a great in-depth writeup about fork bombs in general, and this one specifically, here.
cheers mate. it’s a virus because its copied all over ✌🏽 part of the artwork concept