They held a school-wide assembly on bringing dangerous items to school after I launched a free-flight gas powered model plane and it chased down the janitor. I was never caught tho :D
Oh that sounds satisfying. Glad you got away with it.
Can the janitor take a joke?
Being mean to underpaid staff isn’t exactly joke material, accidental or not.
Yeah, that’s fair…
Should’ve been an autonomous drone with AI face recognition configured to go after the school principal.
real talk: on a more serious note… one of the worst things your supervisor can do is to omit sharing info of an unseen, potentially very serious, workplace risk.
I was once the star of such a meeting. What I did was so bad that they wouldn’t even let me into the meeting. The meeting was for literally everyone else on site, and manager told me to wait outside.
well, don’t keep us in suspense, what was it?
I landed really badly in skydiving and it freaked the manager out. She was really nice to me cuz honestly I really narrowly escaped death and it spooked her so badly that she gathered everyone for a safety briefing, but left me out because it was very emotional for everybody frankly. emotional for her, she probably didn’t want to lose her shit or something, or she didn’t want to put me on the spot while I may have been psychologically fragile at that moment, I don’t know. But I was calm, I was fine. slight PTSD of the incident set in for me a few days later, but grateful I avoided death completely unscathed.
Your job was skydiving?
When I accidentally set off the office alarm because I was new and fled the scene out of panic.
You’re an example employee that others will be looking to.
You’re just looking to cause trouble with your Star Trek font on a Star Wars meme.
Should’ve used Comic Sans!