Getting strong RE4 vibes
Getting strong RE4 vibes
Even Bank of America doesn’t support MFA apps.
The US Postal Service should get in on this action.
The Republicans will never reduce the debt because the only cuts that would make a difference are the ones that are the most popular with their voters. Couple that with tax cuts and the math just doesn’t work for deficit and debt reduction with a Republican government.
Are they going to cut Social Security? No, too many older voters that depend on that income. Medicare? Nope, same thing.
Will they cut the military? Of course not, they wouldn’t be able to virtue signal about how patriotic they are.
They’ll surely cut the education and IRS budgets, but the education cuts wouldn’t make a significant difference and the IRS cuts actually increase deficits because then the IRS can’t go after the rich.
The Democrats wouldn’t cut any of those things either, but if the Democrats increased taxes for top earners and top-earning corporations, and implemented a wealth tax, the increased revenue actually could reduce the deficit.
Well, there’s at least one character and organization that thinks the aliens couldn’t do any worse then what humans have already done.
This is pretty mich the plot of Three Body Problem.
Maybe Amazon will develop a system where Ring/Alexa will let the drivers into your house to use your bathroom, in exchange for showing fewer ads on Prime Video.
That’s not even true, they interrupted episode 2 of Rings of Power for me.
I paid for the ad free add-on while Rings of Power is on but after that I’ll just cancel Prime completely until there’s another show I want to watch, so they’re overall losing money from me with this decision.
When I first used the Adobe suite it was on a Mac, I assumed it ran best on non-Windows machines. This was in 2005… Why would they have to make it so hard to use on Linux?
I’ll never look at my phone the same way again
I wouldn’t be a huge fan of taxing unrealized gains if we hadn’t been cutting taxes for the rich for 50 years. How else are we ever going to recover from that? These guys COULD have done the right thing and supported sensible taxation policies, but they didn’t, so fuck 'em. At this point it’s either this or the guillotine.
Democrats: “let’s pass some reasonable reforms to temper the ill effects of deregulated capitalism”
Republicans: “that’s socialism and you’re a Marxist!”
Youth: “we want reform so I guess we like socialism!”
Republicans: “the radical left is indoctrinating our kids!”
This is the kind of thing that both parties should be able to agree on, anyone defending this ridiculous system is likely some kind of corporate shill.
Having a federal website to file has been a great step in the right direction. What’s preventing us from going further? Oh, Republicans think it’s anti-business because then TurboTax can’t make their billions, got it.
Does that include running Windows containers? It seems like the alternatives don’t support those.
I don’t think you even need Docker licenses to run Linux containers, but unfortunately I need to deal with this because I have some legacy software running in windows containers.
So selfless
Passkeys are phishing resistant, or so they say… but the web app still needs to let you in with password + 2FA… So I’m not sure how much that’s really worth.
I guess if the users are typically never seeing a 2FA prompt then it should be more suspicious when they see one?